What is the RetroChipDB?

A simple way to inventory your array of digital delights (chips)

I had a problem, I had too many microchips of varied types and sizes and I was terrible about sorting and storing them. I was constatly re-ordering chips I already had in stock but couldn't at that moment find. And spent a lot of time searching for chips I knew I had somewhere, but no idea where.

So after trying a myriad of spreadsheet, storage box, clear plastic bag and inventories listed on graph paper solutions I finally decided to build something to fix, or at least begin to fix, the problem.

This is that solution. It's a simple php web front-end connected to a mySQL database designed to tell you what you have in your chip inventory, where it is and then help you to find it. It does require to you do some data entry to get everything setup, but once that rather tedious job is complete, it is truly very helpful in keeping you and your projects organized.

The system is free to use and available to anyone. It's currently in early Alpha, so there's a lot of functionality missing. If there's a specific function you'd like to see, please feel free to email me - daniel (at) geekpower.com
